"Roses Frozen in Time" refers to the art of preserving roses in a way that captures their beauty and elegance at the peak of their bloom, often through techniques like freeze-drying or embedding them in resin.
USD 2,890.00
Design - Planning
Draft the shap of the art piece
Design - Prototype
"Roses Frozen in Time" is an innovative process that preserves the natural beauty of roses at their peak, allowing them to last for years without fading or wilting.
Collect - Collect
collect glass waste
Glass waste (Glass) x 20KG
Waste Carbon Emission:
0.02 Ton
Upcycling Needed Carbon Emission:
0.0054 Ton
"Roses Frozen in Time" refers to the art of preserving roses in a way that captures their beauty and elegance at the peak of their bloom, often through techniques like freeze-drying or embedding them in resin.
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